There’s endless opinions and perspectives on the effects of caffeine on the physical body. Multiple clinical studies have been performed to either establish or dispel perspectives about how and what it can do for the body - both from day to day functioning and beyond.
With all the information available online around this potently powerful supplement, what’s the primary point thing to know about caffeine, and how do you make it work best for you?
Not all caffeine comes in the form of coffee. It’s in cocoa beans, kola nuts, tea leaves, yerba mate and guarana berries. However, when ingested, it’s benefits have been proven to run deeper than simply giving you a “ mid morning kick”.
Antioxidants: antioxidants help your body fight free radicals and can prevent the development of disease. Caffeine is rich in antioxidants, and can support the body in building up resilience to damaging illness.
Stimulant: caffeine helps with mental focus and provides a boost of energy. Use it to help wake the brain and body up in the morning or provide a hit of focus and attention in the afternoon, reducing drowsiness and fatigue.
Metabolism: caffeine supports the body in releasing fatty acids so they can be used as energy. While caffeine use is not a long term, single pointed approach to increasing metabolism, when consumption is timed correctly, fat loss can be accelerated.
The very best time to consume caffeine, especially for women looking to shift their body composition and lose body fat, is before a workout. Doing this provides you with an energy boost, increases mental focus and starts the release of fatty acids to be used as energy (aka: burn more body fat while working out)…However, we don’t recommend consuming this fab drink post-workout. but workout,
We know grabbing a coffee after a workout with your friend is a social occasion but when your goals are to change your body composition and lose body fat, consuming caffeine after a workout can reverse all the hard work you just did.
Caffeine post-workout spikes Cortisol, a hormone that’s released in response to stress and one that impacts a body’s ability to break down body fat. Post workout, the body needs to use carbohydrates as a fuel source, so when caffeine is consumed after a workout, it’s harder for the body to use those carbohydrates as a fuel source. Thus, inhibiting the body’s ability to lose body fat rapidly.
Long story short: there is absolutely nothing wrong with caffeine!. Eat or drink it with intention and consume it with awareness.