My Favourite Protein Powders

Protein is one of the most underestimated and under consumed macronutrient there is. It’s an essential macronutrient we all needs (regardless of our dietary lifestyle) to survive. The easiest way to explain the importance is basically by saying that on a cellular level, you cannot function without it. Every cell in your body contains protein. You need it to see, to think, to breath, to walk, to talk, to fight colds and so so much more.

Yet, the majority of the population is protein deficient.

So whether or not you count calories, it’s important that you (as breathing human being) hit at least 1g of protein per pound of lean muscle mass a day. Now if you don’t know your scale weight, you can use the golden rule and make sure that each meal contains one palm size portion of protein.

As for sources, there are a plethora! I personally eat animal protein but if you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet you can lean towards things like tofu, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, quinoa and oats.

Even with the above, there could be a large chance you still might not be getting enough in which is why protein shakes can be your best friend. Now I have tried and tested what feels like every protein powder brand on the planet and wanted to share with you a list of my favourites. Everything you see below I trust the ingredients, the quality, how easily digestible they are and if they have been tested for free radicals and heavy metals.

  1. Body Energy Club Vegan Protein- I am cannot tolerate cows milk so this is my #1 go-to brand. Clean ingredients, no crazy list of ingredients and is easily digestible.

  2. Vital Proteins - this is a collagen based protein powder so it won’t have that super grainy taste or feel to it.

  3. Body Energy Club Whey - if you can handle cows milk then this one is great. Comes in a few flavours

  4. Tropeaka - if you live overseas (aka not in North America) this one is from Australia and I really like it. Super light in flavour and solid ingredients.

  5. Be Well By Kelly - this one is for my USA based friends. I can’t say I have tried this one but I have read everything there is to read about it and heard very good reviews.

Samantha Stojkovich